Thursday, May 24, 2012

DMU Underdogs (2)

10 days later - another practice video made:

And some Underdogs logo's and T-shirt designs on the go!

After lots of coloured designs I decided to stick to simpler palettes below.

I'll be posting these designs in the Underdogs Facebook group tomorrow to get some feedback from the others and see what they all think.

I'll keep you posted


Monday, May 14, 2012

DMU Underdogs

Remember that post I made waaaaay back in January, full of my aims for 2012? Well the aim to: "Make more music videos, both for competitions and non competitions" was pretty high up on my list and now my first year of uni is complete I can get right back to that.

I decided to put some screenshots up from the video ratherthan spending hourse uploading it this time because me and youtube arn't the best of friends right about now. But there is a link of this quick vid I put together at the end of this post if you'd like to see the whole thing.


Saturday, May 5, 2012



Multiple glues, various miniature cute out pairs of glasses and a fish bowl of juice... This was my work station I'd set up just a few days ago to meet my final summative hand in for uni. The project I was working on was the 'Collections' project. You had to choose or invent a collection with a minimum of 30 items and organise them and showcase them by Location, Alphabet, Time, Category and Hierarchy - "LATCH". I organised my glasses collection by time going from the earliest pair made to the most recent. The final product didn't quite fit the specific guidelines given but I felt a glasses based butterfly collection was more appropriate. 

I kinda liked the new addition to my wall... until it fell now a few minites later! I did get it to my assessment in one piece - just about!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

MSOC Easter Concert ~ Part 3

 ...As soon as the lights went down and the choir came on the photos I took from then on were completely transformed by the lighting and how I worked with the lights and angles my camera towards  them with the singers harmonising in between. Quite a few of my light angling pictures came out as silhouettes or pitch black ( i.e. too much light!) but when I got it just right there were some really good ones rich in colour. Below are a few of my favourites that helps sum the concert and my final post covering the MSOC Easter concert
 - Enjoy!

- The Concert -

 In this photo I was just quick enough to catch a little 'audience participation'!

Being in a choir looks pretty fun :)

MSOC Easter Concert ~ Part 2

Behind the scenes

After the market this was one of the earliest picture I took of the concert, it seemed weird being in such a large space when it was empty. I would have taken more picture but I soon got told to go back to work and get some behind the scenes shots of the choir and musicians before they went on.

Big Joe :)

................not so empty now!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

MSOC Easter Concert ~ Part 1

Over Easter I got my chance to be more involved with photography professionally at Manchester Sing Out Choir's annual Easter concert :D

I took well over 300 photo's that night and it's taken me some time to cut it down to a bloggable number since I've been back at uni - but here it is! There were quite a few things that were different from last years concert - starting with 'The Market'...

The Market had been set up to showcase different talents and businesses from the surrounding area from fashion students and jewellers to artists and florists. It was the first thing the audience saw when they got to the concert and all these bright colours, smells and bubbly sellers were completely different to the miserable weather outside.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

'Where Art Meets Science' ~ Exhibition Event

I can't believe how quickly today has gone!

Today I attended my first exhibition event for the 'Where Art Meets Science' competition I entered last month. I went along with my dad we were both given finalist & guest badges and directed to a room upstairs for photographs of finalists with their work. After that we went into a conference room which was a sea of which round tables, coffee cups and ornamental glass center piece. Just being there made me excited for the event ahead. Me and my dad got a coffee before we sat at a table with the only other finalist from my uni - she was lovely and just genuinely happy to be there and share her work with other like minded people, which is why I was all the more happier to see her go onto be one of the top 3 winners!

I didn't win anything myself but I was just so pleased to have made it to the finals I was just as happy as the winners themselves when we were walking around viewing all the entries, chatting and eating canapés - I could get used to this! haha ;)

I really enjoyed the whole event and everyone came away with a specially designed certificate which had and image of your work as well as a congratulatory message about being a finalist, which will definitely be going on my CV!! And being the only first year finalist amongst all the 3rd years made me all the more determined to keep challenging myself with these competitions!
